Wonderful School for Witches
Wonderful School for Witches offers the first lesson free so you can decide if this course is really for you.
Just email Kathy with 'Free first lesson - Wicca' in the subject field, with your name and e-mail address in the message and she will send you your first lesson completely free of charge.
Wicca 1 – For Beginners
This course gives you a firm foundation in the world of Witchcraft. You can learn on-line with a magical correspondence course and have Kathy as your tutor and guide. You will receive your lessons by e-mail and can work at your own pace and complete the course in your own time.
Join this safe and welcoming magical school and enter a world of magic and mystery through lessons, chants, guided meditations and magical ritual!
What You Will Learn About:
Wicca, its History and Ideals
The Witches Celebrations
Witches Symbols and Jewels
Rituals and the Magic Circle
Witchcraft Today
The Ethics of Witchcraft and Spell Craft
The Elements and the Altar
The Witches Goddesses and Gods
A Beginners Magic Spell
You will also have the opportunity to participate in an end of term ritual to meet the Elemental Beings.
The course is open to all, consists of 6 lessons and costs £45.
TO BUY YOUR COURSE - please send a text message to Kathy on 07788525397 or send an email to kathyrowan18@hotmail.com and put 'Beginners Wicca' in the subject field.
Include your name and how you would like to pay for your course (by paypal or bank transfer) and you will receive details of how to pay. When payment is received you will be sent your lessons by email. Thank you.
Blessed Be!