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Wonderful School for Witches offers the first lesson free so you can decide if this course is really for you.


Just email Kathy with 'Free first lesson - Qabalah' in the subject field, with your name and e-mail address in the message and she will send you your first lesson completely free of charge. 

Witches’ Qabalah


The Qabalah is a tool for spiritual self-development and the key to successful spells and rituals.  This course takes you from the very beginning and will give you a great foundation in this fascinating subject from a magical perspective.


Working with the Qabalah will increase your psychic ability, help you grow and develop along your own path, in your own individual way. 


Kathy has been trained in the Qabalah to an advanced level, is an initiated Magician and experienced Witch and Teacher.  Her down to earth approach helps make a complicated system easy to grasp and work with and her Guided Meditations transport you on inner journeys!


What You Will Be Learning About


  • What is the Qabalah all about?

  • How can you use it?

  • How did Medieval Magicians use it?

  • How can you work with Archangels and Magical Beings?

  • How can it be used to clear negativity, Strengthen your Aura and Protect you and your loved ones?

  • How it can help you understand your Dreams, Path-workings and Magical Experiences 

  • You will experience some Guided Meditations too!


You will receive your 12 lessons and guided meditations by e-mail and you can work at your own pace with Kathy as your tutor and guide.


The course costs £65. 


TO BUY YOUR COURSE - please send a text message to Kathy on 07788525397 or send an email to and put 'Witches Qabalah' in the subject field. 


Include your name and how you would like to pay for your course  (by paypal or bank transfer) and you will receive details of how to pay.   When payment is received you will be sent your lessons by email.


Thank you.

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