Soon it will be time for our virtual graduation show and in preparation for this we've been asked to write a small, catchy paragraph that will give the public an idea of what our work is all about. So, here's what I've come up with:
Virtual Graduation Show ‘REMOTE’
Did you know that the handprints found inside ancient caves were not made by cave men at all? They were in fact, made by cave women! This was possibly one of the earliest examples of women being ignored as artists, and written out of history. Kathy’s art installation is called ‘Hidden in Plain Sight’ and it’s all about the centuries of disempowerment and invisibility that women have suffered. It is also about the patriarchal suppression of the pre-Christian Goddess religion.
We've also been asked to submit 5 pictures to go on the gallery. This was a tough choice for me because I have so many pictures of my work! I am able to show you four out of the five that I will be sending - the fifth will have to wait until next Wednesday because that will be the next time I can get into the studio and take a few final photographs my work. The final image will be of the front view of the completed installation, all ready for assessment.
The hand in date for our images is next Friday, the hand in for our studio works and assessment in the following Monday. So I am actually counting down the days now (not weeks anymore) till the end of the course.
I am aware, that these images do not tell the story by themselves. My intention was that the whole immersive, interactive experience would engage the public as creative collaborators and as a by-product of that they would be questioning and discussing the issues I have been exploring. I wanted the experience to tell the story, but sadly, a physical show isn't possible this year. So, although my images will probably be baffling to the viewer (taken out of context), hopefully they will stir some curiousity about my studio work and areas of research. They will also give a glimpse of what Blackpool School of Arts has to offer.
Image One - The Maquette - a miniature version of the cave.
Image Two - Making the Handprints in the full sized 'cave'.
Image Three - A Sacred Circle - (part of a series of Eight).
Image Four - Another Sacred Circle - (part of a series of Eight).
Coming soon 'Image Five - Front view of the Installation.....