Today I realized I didn't share what happened next about the exciting commission I was given back in January! ooops! You might remember the work was to be about the original meaning of this sacred site? It was originally a site famous for it's healing energy, a site of the Divine Feminine - and over time that original meaning has been lost/distorted by the Christians who built a cathedral on the site and incorporated what was left of the original dolmen that was on the top of this hill into their cathedral. First the capstone was laid outside the cathedral for people to walk on. Then the stone was dug up and placed inside the cathedral to encourage people to come inside. The stone is known for its healing powers particularly with regards to fertility issues for women. The site is now the start for the sacred pilgrimage known as the 'Camino de Santiago.'' I first heard about this pilgrimage in a film starring Shirley Maclaine called 'Out on a Limb' (1992). It is about her own experience of connecting with the Divine and having a spiritual awakening - and I can recommend it!
We (myself and my client) agreed that the painting should include the dolmen back in its rightful place. We discussed whether to incorporate the black Madonna figure which was originally a representation of the divine feminine goddess Isis and decided not to use this image but instead to create an original image to represent the divine feminine.
I created this figure of a peaceful pregnant goddess, faceless and ageless to represent the eternal fruitful divine feminine energy and I chose the colours purple, pink and grey to represent Divine power and femininity. Pink for the Maiden energy of the Goddess, Purple for the Mother energy and Grey for the Crone energy. All gently harmonising in this beautiful composition. I used modelling paste to build up the texture of the moon and hill, adding depth and interest. The moon represents the Moon Goddess. Finally, when the work was almost complete I layered warm wax over it, sacred to the Greek Bee Goddess Melissa. The wax gives the work a dream like quality, it has a translucent inner light which alludes to the inner light of the soul.