This week I have been using the little individual GIFs of dancing Goddess created by Nina Paley (as mentioned in my previous posting) to make a short video.
First I had to find some free video editing software, this wasn’t entirely straightforward. The first software appeared to be free but was limited to 7 days of free use only so wasn’t suitable for this project. I was luckier the second time when I found ‘Crazy Video Maker 2’. . I downloaded the 24 individual GIFs onto my computer, then uploaded them onto the software. I also downloaded the music I wanted to use (Venus by Bananarama) and uploaded the music to the editing software. I wanted to emphasise one part of the track and found a special effect that worked well. The dancing Goddesses are fertility Goddesses and I used the special effect to emphasise that. These Paleolithic Figurines are generally known as Earth Goddesses and commonly referred to as ‘Venuses’. This fits nicely with the music track ‘Venus’. I manipulated the length of the special effect to fit the correct part of music and re-ordered the Goddesses so they fitted the special effect. I needed them to be standing at a similar height so that the special effect was focused on the womb area of a few Goddesses in sequence. After I had done this I played the video through and realized I didn’t want it to go on too long after the special effect (because it would get boring). Also I didn’t want it to stop abruptly. I decided it would be good to end with Venus of Willendorf dancing on the spot for a while and with the music fading out. So, using ‘Audacity’ I cut the track down to the size I wanted and also faded out the music towards the end. Then I replaced the existing track with this improved track. Here’s the end product. It’s less than two minutes long and although it’s quite short, I am super proud of it!