Here’s a link to the website I created for my final piece. It includes an assortment of traditional and digital artworks relevant to my theme ‘Goddesses’.
I would like you to particularly consider the Athena image – it ticks a lot of boxes as a final piece for assessment:
The original watercolour painting was created using a photo I took in the summer (primary research).
The image was OK but a bit boring so I ran it through ‘Photomosh’ and found a much more interesting colour combination created digitally.
I then decided to use this image as the background for my Goddess Athena page.
I chose a suitable (legal) owl image online and added it to my background image on Photoshop.
Then cropped the whole thing down to emphasise the owls importance (as a representative of the Goddess Athena).
Owls are symbolic of wisdom and the Goddess Athena is about learning and wisdom.
Finally, I added a special effect using ‘Pixaloop’ which to me looks like snow and adds a ‘magical’ or ‘otherworldly’ atmosphere.
Review of how the digital lessons have helped me: These digital art lessons have influenced my studio work considerably. I have become interested in using Photoshop, Illustrator and other digital software. They enable me to manipulate my traditionally created artworks, and also to create purely digital images. The techniques I have learned during these lessons, have been very interesting and effective. I will continue to use and build on the foundation of digital knowledge that I have learned this term. Including going for advice to or to other reliable sources on-line.
I have started using GIFs and have begun learning how to make my own. This is something I would like to continue in the future. Also videos, voice-overs and animation appeal to me. I like the way different techniques and tools can be combined, bringing a new dimension to my more traditional Fine Art skills. My final piece this term for Fine Art assessment combines traditional and digital skills and is something I would have never imagined before our digital lessons. It involves me projecting my short ‘Goddesses Dancing’ video onto the symbol for the Triple Goddess, which I have created with acrylics and gloss paints. Using the projected image, which is comprised of many GIFs in sequence, enabled me to create an ethereal, translucent image. This way the dancing Goddesses are ‘there’ and ‘not there’ at the same time. Referencing the ‘liminal space’ or ‘place/no place’ binary.