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goddesses on the tree of life.jpg

Click on any sphere to

enter a new magical realm!



Inspired by the fires and devastation of the amazon rain forest during the summer 2019.  This artwork was created digitally and shows the Earth Goddess weeping about the loss of animal and plantlife.  The piece references environmental issues as well as those of greed and corruption. 


See more of Kathy's artwork at:




This diagram can be used as a map, with each sphere acting as a magical doorway. Simply click inside any of the spheres to see a new artwork and learn a little about the different Goddesses. 


There are Goddesses from many different parts of the world included on this site.  Each one is different, with her own personality and individual qualities. For example;  Sekhmet is strong and firey. 


Each Goddess has inspired the artwork you will find on her page.  Some artwork is digital, others traditional.  Some combine both traditional and digital technology. 


If you'd like to see more of Kathy's artwork click on this link to visit her website:



ABOUT THE GODDESS (taken from 'The Witches Goddess' by Janet and Stewart Farrar, 1987.)


The Earth Mother is the most vivid and immediate face which the Goddess presents to us.  She is fertility itself, for mankind and for all creatures and plants.  She gives birth to us and to them; she nourishes us and them throughout life, and in death receives the empty physical shell back into herself and transforms it into new feritlity; for she is both womb and tomb, which is again the womb.  She maintains the eternal, rhythmic balance by which plant feeds animal and animal feeds plant, and each moreover breathes out the air which the other needs to breathe in.  



'A religion without a Goddess is halfway to atheism' Dion Fortune.

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