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Witch Bottles and Faery Bottles

On Saturday I will be at Pagancon (A fabulous pagan conference in the North West of England) showing people how to make and bless Witch Bottles and Faery Bottles. The idea came to me after reading about the Witch bottles that have been discovered in some old properties around the UK. But Witch bottles have been found outside the UK too in Europe and America.

Witch bottles have been in use since at least the 16th century. They were created to protect homes and the people who lived in them from curses and evil. They would be bottles filled with urine, broken glass, rusty nails and the like hidden in the fireplace, a wall or buried in the garden close to the property where no one could find them.

Witches today still create Witch bottles to protect them homes and loved ones. They tend to use more pleasant ingredients than urine and blood but keep true to the symbolism of the originals. They also create spell bottles for all sorts of spells including romantic, financial and healing spells.

On Saturday I will be showing people how to make their own traditional Witch Bottles to protect their homes and families – these bottles will include a pin to impale evil, some vinegar (not urine!) to drown evil, some herbs to send the evil away from your home, some sea salt to purity your home, a secret ingredient and a pearl to invite blessings from the Moon Goddess and ask her to guide and protect your home and family.

The magic words we will be using for this spell are:

Witches bottle, herbs and charm

Banish evil, ward off harm,

Protect me from my enemy,

As I do will so mote it be.

The bottles will then be taken home, buried in the garden or hidden out of the way (perhaps under the kitchen sink).

The event Pagancon is for all types of pagans and some do not identify themselves as witches, so may prefer to make Faery Bottles. I will be including instructions for this too to invite the Fae to bring magic and blessings into their lives. These faery bottles will include a dandelion seed for a wish to come true, a silver star for protection by night, some faery dust for protection by day, a secret ingredient and a crystal or gold leaf to invite blessings and protection from the wee folk, the faeries.

The magic words that bless the faery bottles are:

By silver moon and twisted tree

Bring faery magic here to me

Below and hidden from our sight

Please grant my wish this magic night!

When they go home they will bury the spell bottle in their gardens or in some wild place and leave a little wine or milk as an offering to the faeries.

If you would like to join me at this workshop and enjoy a whole host of other workshops, talks and stalls then further details are available from ‘shared earth’ you will find them on facebook and they have their own website too.

The whole day costs £20 and that includes evening entertainment from the amazing Damh the Bard so is a real bargain and highlight of the magical year up here in the North of England!

Come say hello, you will find me at my stall with my partner Mark and we will be selling original magical art, handmade jewelry and a few books and pathworking CDs!

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